Monday, 31 January 2022

Valentine's TBR!! Quickie#2!

Hey there, Mia here! I decided to do this really short blog because I am kinda busy these days and trying to focus on studies but I still want to share what I have in store for February (oh Mia, so nice of you!) aka the ROMANTIC month (which, trust me, is only romantic because I will read only romance books *dabs in queen*). I will tell you book name, the writer, why I am reading it, short explanation (or maybe not) of what the book is about (if I know). Good with that? Content that's not boring? Less goo!!

Letting Bookstagram decide my 2022 TBR! Quickie#1

Hey there, Mia here! It's a random day, random thought thing, I had this idea to let Bookstagram decide some of the books that I will read this year. 7 (the lucky number) books! That's not so scary right? I wanted to share it, but I didn't want to do a full length blog for it, so I decided I will do a Quickie series, where I share the books, what the idea of the blog is, tell you book's name, author's name, a little I know about it but I don't ramble a lot, would you like it? Whatever, let's go!