Hey there, Mia here! I decided to do this really short blog because I am kinda busy these days and trying to focus on studies but I still want to share what I have in store for February (oh Mia, so nice of you!) aka the ROMANTIC month (which, trust me, is only romantic because I will read only romance books *dabs in queen*). I will tell you book name, the writer, why I am reading it, short explanation (or maybe not) of what the book is about (if I know). Good with that? Content that's not boring? Less goo!!
On Bookaholic Squad I talk about books. Book Recs. TBRs. Wrap Ups. Book Tags. Book Hauls. It's all about books! Bookaholics are drunk on books!
Monday, 31 January 2022
Letting Bookstagram decide my 2022 TBR! Quickie#1
Hey there, Mia here! It's a random day, random thought thing, I had this idea to let Bookstagram decide some of the books that I will read this year. 7 (the lucky number) books! That's not so scary right? I wanted to share it, but I didn't want to do a full length blog for it, so I decided I will do a Quickie series, where I share the books, what the idea of the blog is, tell you book's name, author's name, a little I know about it but I don't ramble a lot, would you like it? Whatever, let's go!